Television me with your static love poem.
The glass of milk balanced on my forehead, breaks
and the pieces clean themselves. White like
perfume or porcelain. I’m keeping my closet.
All ghosts are born in June’s humid glow when I first
started gendering my fears. Him him him him.
Now it’s July and nothing is safe from glare and insect.
I want to be terrified. We watch horror movies
mid-day when the sun has nothing better to do.
I am thirteen and already I want
to be lifted by dead thoughts. Already
I count my fingers and talk the horror movies
down from their video. I want
the holy grasp of a physical-ghost.
Silverware bends like eyebrows and I hurriedly
try to bend it back. My neck is a spoon throat.
The movie starts over from the beginning
only this time I am the girl in yard. A portal asks me
how I plan to stay corporeal. I want nothing
to do with the basement or the attic.
Mothers don’t believe you until hell
is too close to keep away. Horror brimming
from the corners of every room.
I don’t sleep. I check the closet for him.
He stands taller than the roof. He looms
like a pair of stockings. We are going
to cleanse the space. We are going to ignore
seam in the walls. The sewing machine
teaches itself to laugh. I am thirteen going on
fourteen. Sometimes, I walk down the stairs
and my family shutters. Looks right through me
as I poltergeist through the downstairs
in search of a cemetery.
you asked to elude ligament & bone
the cassette tape spins more promises
in this task you are alone
dismantle all your opposites
the cassette tape spins more promises
a finger turned a fray
dismantle all your opposites
all your anatomy on display
a finger turned a fray
and sistering all on into the night
all your anatomy on display
extract body from body, bite from bite
and sistering all on into the night
in this task you are alone
extract body from body, blight from blight
you asked to elude ligament & bone
Listen to Robin read "Summer Poltergeists and/or Bildungsroman" and "Saw / Limb" below:

ROBIN GOW is a trans poet and young adult author. They are the author of OUR LADY OF PERPETUAL DEGENERACY (Tolsun Books 2020) and the chapbook HONEYSUCKLE (Finishing Line Press 2019). Their first young adult novel, A MILLION QUIET REVOLUTIONS is slated for publication winter 2022 with FSG. Gow's poetry has recently been published in POETRY, New Delta Review, and Washington Square Review.