"Without such a collection, the ephemeral nature of how most people communicate now—in texts, Instagram stories, and on Zoom—would make it difficult for future generations to understand. A handwritten letter, on the other hand, offers a lasting and individualized record..."
—Julia Sklar, for the Boston Globe
"In May, the Lao sisters started a literary magazine called EX/POST, hoping to create a kind of camaraderie, but found the exclusive nature of the medium wasn’t working for them... With [Carissa] Chen’s idea and the support of the EX/POST team, they moved past the limitations of the magazine and created a more “artsy” pursuit in Dear Loneliness."
—Janae McKenzie, for Her Campus
"Experimental, inclusive, and diverse."
—Jonathan Truong, for Hominum Journal
"[on our project Dear Loneliness] If you are interested in writing a letter and playing a role in what is sure to be a major international social experiment and pertinent archival study of a shifting point in human history, click the button to submit."